May 1, 2020
This brief notification is in relationship to the very confusing discussions being reported concerning the Coronavirus situation and schools in California. Earlier this week California Governor Gavin Newsom made remarks in a press conference about the possibility of public schools starting the 2020-21 school year as early as July. For various reasons public school students missed instructional days as it took weeks for the districts to get their distance learning programs up and running. Our TCS students have continued in their teacher directed grade level course of study without a gap in instructional days using Google Classroom, Zoom Meetings and personalized curriculum learning packets. We want to assure you that our start date for the 2020-21 school year will be in September.
As a small independent school we will take our direction regarding opening and running Trinity Christian School from the San Diego County Department of Health. If there are specific procedures that need to be taken we will take them. The classrooms and restrooms have been thoroughly sanitized and the hope is that when we get the okay from the Health Department we will be ready to respond with their recommendations. We plan to have our school year end on June10th as published. If we are allowed to resume school before June 10th it would be wonderful to finish the school year together hosting the grade level promotion assembly and eighth grade graduation ceremony. Report cards will be issued on June 10th either way.
In His Service,
Sharon Axe, Co-Principal
Jimmie Drummond, Co-Principal