Coronavirus Closure Parent Letter

April 4, 2020

Dear Parents, 

As we approach Easter we pray that you will take time to enjoy your family and the grace God has extended through Jesus. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8. 

As we look to the near future, we see that our off campus learning will be extended much longer than the experts first suggested. In light of this, we want to recognize our amazing TCS parents, students and teachers who have done an incredible job through difficult circumstances extending grace to one another. We continue to hold out hope that we will be able to open our campus before the end of the school year.  All decisions about re-opening the campus will be made under guidance from local health agencies. We are prepared for distance learning through the end of the school year if necessary. However, if there is a possibility to re-open safely even for just a week we will do so. At this point, it is too early to tell so we are proceeding in segments. The first segment will start with the three weeks following Easter Break, then every two weeks following that we will offer a drop-off/pick-up drive thru. In this way our students will have continuous classroom instruction with opportunities for grading completed work. As a result, report cards can be completed for promotion and graduation in June. We will host a promotion and graduation ceremony if we can do so safely. Our dedicated hard working staff has done an amazing job of transforming classroom experiences to a personalized home study environment. They have been working diligently planning for this next phase of your child’s grade level experience.  

After Easter Break your child will have the opportunity to be with their classmates and teacher who will be doing some live online instruction to enhance the student learning experience. Our first goal for this live instruction is to help your child feel a sense of normalcy in being able to interact with their teacher and classmates.  All of the teachers are looking forward to this interaction because they miss being in the classroom. Our second goal with the live online instruction is to make sure that students continue to progress through this year’s curriculum guided by their teacher. Teachers are working hard to make online learning meaningful for your child. We are committed to providing a quality academic experience to ensure students are ready for the next grade level. 

On April 13th the following schedule is set up for families to drop-off and pick-up packets according to the first letter of your last name. Teachers (Preschool through Middle School) have gathered material for your child(ren) to have at home in addition to the online connections. Care has been taken to protect the materials and they will be in sealed plastic bags. If you have more than one student, we will gather the packets together and put them in one large bag per family. There will be several lines available so please stay in your car. Family bags will be delivered to you.  Precautions will be practiced. Please remember to return your student’s finished work in a disposable bag labeled with their name and grade level.

Packet Drop-off/Pick-up schedule by family LAST name

A-C = 9:00 a.m.    D-H = 10:00 a.m. I-M = 11:00 a.m.     N-S = 12:00 p.m. T-Z = 1:00 p.m.

We are aware that there may be families who have been unable to work at home, or otherwise, find themselves in a difficult financial situation. We are working on some ways to extend the opportunity to apply for tuition assistance if you are suffering a financial hardship due to the coronavirus circumstances. Please know that our desire is to be able to help those who are in financial distress and continue to uphold all our families in prayer for whatever needs they may have, both known or unknown to us, at this unsettling time.

For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you,

“Fear not, I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13 (NKJV)

In His everlasting love and grace,

Sharon and Jimmie

Sharon Axe, Co-Principal
Jimmie Drummond, Co-Principal 

“Trinity Christian School, an outreach ministry of Trinity Church, commits to a partnership with parents to inspire academic and personal excellence in a Christ-centered environment.” 

What is Serve-a-Thon?
TCS hosts an annual serve-a-thon in lieu of a jog-a-thon or other fundraiser. We raise money for the school and serve our community. (1 Peter 4:10)