The Parent Teacher Fellowship is an essential part of our school, coordinated by parents and administration to lend assistance, build partnerships with families, students, faculty and the community. A 1% tuition discount is offered to PTF officers.

PTF activities can include such activities as Fall Festival, Secret Pals, Moms in Prayer, Teacher Luncheons, Appreciation Days, Mother-Son Event, Christmas Store, Father-Daughter Dance, and Serve-a-thon.

WATCH D.O.G.S. is a one-of-a-kind, school-based father involvement program that works to support education and safety.

Classroom activities, minor fund-raisers, student programs, and events of the individual classes are planned and coordinated through the teacher/principal. Success of these events depends on parent involvement.

What is Serve-a-Thon?
TCS hosts an annual serve-a-thon in lieu of a jog-a-thon or other fundraiser. We raise money for the school and serve our community. (1 Peter 4:10)