The School Board is the policy-making body of the school and is comprised of five Trinity Church members. In addition, the pastor of Trinity Church and the school principal are non-voting members and serve in an advisory capacity. Board members are elected by the congregation of Trinity Church. Board members must meet the following qualifications: know Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior; exemplify a life of faith and loyalty to the Word of God; have an interest in the spiritual life and education of children; have personal integrity and appreciation of the values of Christian education; be willing and capable of assuming responsibility; have the ability to work collaboratively with others; and be champions of the school. Communication is one of the main goals of the School Board. The monthly meeting agenda can be obtained from the school office. There is an “Opportunity for Public Input” in which any interested person may speak on any agenda item. If you wish to address the School Board, please call the office so they can be notified that you would like to speak at the meeting. Current School Board members are Sharlene Park, Deb Torres, Bobette Barfod, Bob Hensley, and Jon Hughes.


What is Serve-a-Thon?
TCS hosts an annual serve-a-thon in lieu of a jog-a-thon or other fundraiser. We raise money for the school and serve our community. (1 Peter 4:10)