

Hello TCS families, Box Tops are due today. Re-enrollment packets needs to be completed today. Open enrollment starts today and the classes are filling up quickly. Father / Daughter Dance is Friday, (2/3) at 6:00 pm. Cost is $10 per family and you can pay at the door. Dads chapel is next Friday, 2/10 at …


Christmas DVD orders

CHRISTMAS PROGRAM DVD ORDER FORM Cost: $10.00 (due by January 20th with preorder form) DVD will be available in February It will include all 3 programs Name:_____________________________________________________ Teach me your way, O Lord; I will walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. Psalm 86:11

What is Serve-a-Thon?
TCS hosts an annual serve-a-thon in lieu of a jog-a-thon or other fundraiser. We raise money for the school and serve our community. (1 Peter 4:10)